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May 22nd, 2024

Big Energy Credit Claim Back: Ovo

By 38 Degrees team

What is the Big Energy Credit Claim Back?

The Big Energy Credit Claim Back is a campaign that 38 Degrees is running in partnership with the Warm This Winter coalition, of which we are a member, to help households reclaim their unused energy credit from energy suppliers.

If you have additional questions, get in touch at info@warmthiswinter.org.uk 

The more of us who claim back, the more we’ll show energy companies that we won’t put up with them hoarding our cash during this cost of living crisis!

How does it work?

If you pay your energy bills by direct debit, you can claim back any credit you may have overpaid throughout the previous year.

Different companies have different ways to do this, so Warm this Winter has done the research and compiled individual steps for each company – but all of them require you to have up-to-date meter readings. Most also offer assistance if you need help with the process.

Whoever your energy supplier is, the following important warnings must be understood in all cases:

  • Do not cancel your direct debit. This may result in the price you pay for your energy going up.
  • By taking back the credit you are owed, this may increase your direct debits going forward as many suppliers create an excess buffer, but you will be able to get that back if you are in credit after next winter.
  • There is also a danger that if you haven’t supplied regular meter readings that you may not be in credit and could end up owing your supplier more money.

Ofgem, the industry regulator, says that energy companies must give you back the credit you’re owed within two weeks.

How can customers contact OVO about claiming back their credit?

Customers can get in touch with OVO to ask for their credit to be refunded online.

How long does it take for an average customer to complete the process?

OVO did not provide this information, but we’d love to hear from you about what your experience of trying to claim back your credit was like. Look out for our next email with a short survey to share your experience!

Is there anything customers need to do before starting the process?

If there is no smart meter then customers should log a meter reading the day before. Customers need an active direct debit and their accounts must have enough credit to cover the month’s direct debit in order for a refund to be processed.

What information do customers need to have on hand

Customers need to have submitted a meter reading within the past 30 days on their online account, and have their account details to hand.

What are the steps to claim back credit?

There is a five-step all-online process. 

  • Take a look in your online OVO account to see when your next statement is due 
  • If you don’t have a smart meter, give a new meter reading a day before your statement is due (both gas and electricity if you’re on a dual fuel tariff)
  • Once your statement has arrived, check your account balance – the meter readings should make sure that it’s really accurate
  • If there’s at least on month of your Direct Debit amount, you can ask for a refund in your online account
  • Go to the Payments page, then scroll down to where it says Refunds. Here, you’ll find a button to click that says Apply for a refund.

What is the timeframe to get credit back?

Refunds are processed within five days.

What services are available to help people who may not be able to use the outlined procedure?

The visually/hearing impaired

OVO can send black and white, large print, audio or braille bills and statements to customers and/or a family member/carer. They also offer a service where they can call to read out your bills and statements. They also use the SignVideo service for the hearing impaired. 

Those with limited technology access or skills

OVO has a Priority Services Register for customers with different needs that covers all of the above. Full information can be accessed here – https://www.ovoenergy.com/help/article/priority-services-register

Those with illness

OVO has a Priority Services Register for customers with different needs that covers all of the above. Full information can be accessed here – https://www.ovoenergy.com/help/article/priority-services-register

Those whose first language isn’t English

They have translators for customers who don’t speak English via their language line with three-way calls with translators.


OVO has a Priority Services Register for customers with different needs that covers all of the above. Full information can be accessed here – https://www.ovoenergy.com/help/article/priority-services-register.

What is the process for bereaved families for claiming back credit from deceased relatives?

OVO uses LifeLedger to help bereaved families close accounts, which you can do here: https://lifeledger.com/bereavement/energy/registering-a-death-with-ovo-energy/.

They also have a bereavement team available on the phone (Mon-Fri, 9-5), an online form on their website, or customers can send an email to bereavement@ovoenergy.com.

How can I share this with others?

The more of us who claim back, the more we’ll show energy companies that we won’t put up with them hoarding our cash during this cost of living crisis! Click here to sign and share this action with your friends and family to force energy companies to take notice.

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