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Oct 24th, 2024

We paid water companies a visit…

By 38 Degrees team

When the 38 Degrees team discovered water companies’ shocking 1,135 criminal convictions for illegal sewage dumping, we knew we needed to call them out loudly and publicly for their crimes.

That’s why, as well as landing major press coverage in The Times, we printed the damning data onto eye-catching posters and paid a visit to the three worst-offending companies – Thames Water, Southern Water and United Utilities – to “refresh” their signage.

Since we splashed these pictures over social media, loads of you have been in touch asking for a copy to put up in your windows. Now, we’re ready to print and distribute posters to as many people as we can across the country!

These posters are more than just paper – they’re powerful statements. Every poster is like a mini-billboard that can reach thousands of people. Together, we can make our message impossible to ignore – from local neighbourhoods to the doorsteps of company executives, investors, and MPs. Our demand for sewage-free seas and rivers could be seen by hundreds of thousands of people.

To get your free poster, choose your water company below – and if yours isn’t listed, you can chip in to help us get posters made for every single water company, and get them sent all over the country:

With a new Water Bill in Parliament and a major review of the entire industry underway, we’re making huge progress in our campaign to stop water companies spewing sewage into our waters. Now, we need to keep up the momentum and make sure nothing stops the Government from delivering on its commitment to crack down on water companies. Stay tuned for more bold tactics – together we can win this!

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