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Oct 10th, 2015

Tax Credits – sign the petition

By Megan Bentall

George Osborne is planning to make life harder for the most vulnerable British families. He wants to cut the special help for low-paid working families – called tax credits – that helps pay for food, school uniform, and winter coats.

But the cuts will only go ahead if other MPs support them – and that’s where 38 Degrees members come in. Osborne’s beginning to look isolated. The Sun is campaigning against him, and top Conservatives are saying that he’s got this one wrong. So thousands of 38 Degrees members are pushing our MPs to speak out too. Together we’re causing a wave of opposition that could bring Osborne’s plans to a grinding halt.

George Osborne’s plans to cut help for working people and families don’t add up. The cuts to tax credits would punish people on low wages who work hard, but still don’t have enough to cover the essentials. Osborne’s argument that a higher minimum wage would cover the difference has been rubbished by experts – millions of families could be worse off.

Matthew, a 38 Degrees member who lives in George Osborne’s constituency, says, “My daughter and son-in-law rely on tax credits as their self-employed work brings in very little profit. They help keep food on our table for our granddaughter”.

Matthew’s granddaughter doesn’t deserve to go hungry because of cruel government cuts.

Click here if you want to join 38 Degrees members and sign the petition to your MP too.

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