Jun 24th, 2016
Brexit: NHS broken promises
By Kathryn Stribley
“Half the country is rejoicing, half the country is despairing. But the NHS unites us all. We need to hold them to their promise of £350 million a week for our NHS.”
Michelle, 38 Degrees member
The ‘Vote Leave’ campaign promised to invest £350 million a week in our cash-strapped NHS. It was written in huge letters on a bus that toured the country. But Nigel Farage, Iain Duncan Smith and other ‘Leave’ campaigners have already been trying to wriggle out of it.
Whichever way we voted, politicians shouldn’t be able to get away with misleading voters. 38 Degrees member Michelle agrees. She’s started a petition for our NHS to get the much needed funding it was promised.
We’re just beginning a new chapter in the UK. If hundreds of thousands of us stand with Michelle, we can send a clear signal to politicians of all stripes: we won’t put up with broken promises on our NHS.
If you would like to add your name to the petition to hold Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson and Michael Gove to their NHS promise, click on the link below: