Aug 8th, 2016
Brexit and our Rights
By Rachel Whalley
Our NHS, the economy and trade. Hundreds of thousands of us have been diving into some pretty meaty issues in the last few days, deciding a bold set of demands for Brexit together.
Now it’s time to talk about our legal rights. They protect us when things go wrong or when people in power try to take advantage – from keeping us safe at work to stopping the government reading all our emails and texts.
Politicians could use Brexit as an excuse to water down rights currently protected in EU law. Together we can use our huge people power to set out a hopeful vision for a Britain that treats everyone with respect and dignity.
It’s your turn to vote on what Brexit means for the legal protections we value most.
Let’s make sure politicians know where we stand. First of all click on the statement below to answer whether or not you agree that:
Britain’s tradition of protecting every individual’s rights is one of the oldest in the world – it goes right back to the Magna Carta! Strong legal protections for everyone makes society better, safer and fairer. We can’t let Brexit lead to our legal rights being lost.
So no matter how we voted in the EU referendum, let’s protect our rights for the future. The first step is to get clear on our demands. Start by clicking the statement below:
You can weigh in online, over the phone, or fill out the questions with your friends and family. You can rate whether you agree with the current demands, as well as suggest new ones.
Do you agree with this statement? Click below to give your opinion: