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May 8th, 2013

Let’s get planting!

By Maddy Carroll

A huge joint effort by 38 Degrees members and campaigners across Europe resulted in a ban on bee killing pesticides. Great news, but bees need the right environment to flourish. And that means flowers! Lots of them.

We’re a nation of gardeners and many of us probably do our bit for the bees without realising it. But with a bit more collective effort we could do a great deal more. Hence the great 38 Degrees seed giveaway! If tens of thousands of us fill whatever outside space we have access to with bee friendly flowers, we could tip the balance in favour of our little pollinating friends.

We’ve chosen seeds of native British wildflowers, a mix of white clover, red campion and selfheal. The pollen of these wildflowers are Michelin starred as far as bees are concerned! And they’re easy to grow too.

Simply head here and enter your details to receive a packet of bee friendly wildflower seed, and get planting!

Your seeds should be delivered within three weeks. If they don’t arrive please do drop us a line on emailtheteam@38degrees.org.uk.

While you’re waiting for your seeds to grow, or if you’ve not got a garden but have an iPhone, why not lend a helping hand to science and get bee spotting. Pooter! is a nifty little game for iPhone – spot a bee, snap a picture, upload it to Pooter!, get points, play your friends and contribute to bee population surveys! Every sighting you make with Pooter! is automatically made available to any scientist studying bee decline. Your verified sightings become part of the national dataset for that specific species, making you a bona fide citizen scientist!

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