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Nov 22nd, 2013

Gagging Law: Come to a Public Meeting in Brighton and Hove

By 38 Degrees team

Brighton and Hove

Want to help stop the gagging law? There’s a huge public meeting happening in Brighton on Thursday 9th January. Caroline Lucas (MP for Brighton Pavilion), Simon Kirby (MP for Brighton, Kemptown) and Mike Weatherley (MP for Hove) have all been invited. Now lets make sure it’s a successful public debate. The public meeting is for everyone living in the area – from Portslade to Peacehaven! Can you come?

Here are the details:
Thursday 9th January
8pm – 9.30pm
St Mary’s Church, 61 St James’s Street, Brighton, BN2 1PR

38 Degrees members in Brighton and Hove voted to focus on public meetings as a way of persuading MPs to make a stand against the gagging law. We know it’s a very effective tactic – last month 38 Degrees members held massive meetings in lots of key constituencies. But if we want these three MPs to know their voters are against this law, lots of their constituents have to show up!

The government has already conceded a 6 week pause to the law, so now is the perfect time to ramp up the campaign on our MPs. The law is already being heavily criticised by the Lords who could fix it, or even scrap it completely. Simon Kirby, Mike Weatherley and Caroline Lucas could each play a crucial role in pressuring the government to make changes to the law in the Lords.

Everyone is welcome to come along, so please bring your friends and family. Even if you don’t want to ask a question, it will be interesting to hear what each MP and the rest of your community have to say on the gagging law.

You can RSVP in the comments section below.

Hope to see you there!

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