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38 Degrees is a community of more than a million people who – in a moment away from their busy days – take small actions on issues they care about, which all add up to something bigger, a movement for a better Britain for everyone who calls our country home.

We come from all walks of life; we’re nurses, taxi drivers, parents, shopkeepers, pensioners and more.

Too often people like us are told we can’t make a difference. But together we’ve achieved so much – from proving the public backs Channel 4 to getting Walkers to recycle their crisp packets to holding Boris Johnson to account on Partygate.

While our team works on the day-to-day of campaigns, the voices of our supporters are always front and centre and anyone can start their own petition on our Campaigns by You platform. 

Whether we’re older or younger, from a big city or a small town, whether we’re Black, white, Asian or Brown, scraping to get by or a bit more comfortable – we know that when we come together, we can be powerful.

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We don’t answer to big corporations or government officials - 95.7% of our funding comes from people like you.

That’s how we stay independent and fight for what really matters: a UK that works for everyone, not just the rich and powerful. Will you chip in and help power our vital campaigns with a small donation?