Urgent: Appeal Campaign Title here about 10 words here

Complaints procedure

38 Degrees is driven by our community of supporters – the hundreds of thousands of us who take action, chip in to fund campaigns, email our MPs, and start petitions. We take great care with all questions we receive, and always aim to put the experience of our community front and centre.

But that doesn’t mean we always get it right – so if you aren’t happy with something, we really want to know about it. We’re really grateful to hear what you think we can be doing better.

How to contact us:
First, if you haven’t already, let our community support team know about any issues, concerns or complaints straight away by emailing emailtheteam@38degrees.org.uk We’ll be really happy to help however we can, and can usually resolve any concerns promptly this way.

If we haven’t been able to resolve your concern, you can make a complaint. The fastest way to reach us is by emailing complaints@38degrees.org.uk, and the Head of the Team will investigate. We’ll aim to acknowledge your complaint within seven working days, and aim to provide a final response within one month. This might sometimes take longer, and we’ll let you know if that’s the case as soon as we can.

Contacting us by email is always quickest.

However, if you can’t, you can call us on 0207 8460 093 or send us a letter to

38 Degrees,
Moor Place,
1 Fore St Ave,
United Kingdom.

Please state your complaint and include any email addresses you’ve used to contact us in the past.

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