May 7th, 2010
Power 2010: demonstrate on Saturday
By Hannah Lownsbrough
The results are in, and we’ve got a hung parliament. In all the uncertainty, one thing is clear: we have an opportunity to put the issues we care on the politicians’ agenda, right now.

Make every vote count
For many people, that’s partly about demanding that we get a new voting system, that delivers an outcome that really reflects what voters said they wanted at the polls. Power 2010 are planning demonstrations all over the UK on Saturday, just as politicians will be working out their next moves in the hung parliament. They’ll be calling for electoral reform to be the top priority for all the parties. You can find out about the events happening nearest to you here:
Electoral reform is also doing really well on our poll of 38 Degrees members. We asked people to vote on what we should do next, now we know for sure there’s a hung parliament. There’s still time to take part in the vote now – click here: