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Jun 23rd, 2010

Permission to work

By OliverCopsey

We’ve teamed up with ‘Still Human Still Here’ – a coalition of over 40 organisations – to demand that asylum seekers be allowed to work in the UK. Click here to be part of the action: http://www.38degrees.org.uk/permission-to-work

We want to urge the government to grant asylum seekers permission to work if their claims take longer than six months to process.

Current government policy just doesn’t work. The support that is provided equals out to less than £5 a day for most people. If we get the rules changed, taxpayers won’t be paying to support asylum seekers who are able to work but aren’t allowed to. They won’t have to rely on charities just to get by. And those who eventually do get asylum status will find it much easier to become part of British society as a result.

Last year Nick Clegg lambasted the asylum system as one of the most “inefficient and cruel” in Europe. More MPs supporting new rules means there’s a better chance that they’ll be made into law. Please tell your MP to sign the declaration pledging action on this issue: http://www.38degrees.org.uk/permission-to-work

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