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Apr 19th, 2011

NHS: What did your MP say?

By martin.c


Photograph by diekatrin (Flickr)

Thousands of us have emailed our MPs asking them where they stand on the government’s NHS plans. MPs are hearing just how strongly we all feel about saving our NHS.

We know that MPs are getting nervous, as so many of us have been in touch with them. But we need to keep the pressure on, otherwise the government might get away with making only token changes to their NHS Bill.

If you’ve already written to your MP and posted their reply  – thanks!

If not, it’s really important that we know what our MPs are saying. If you’ve not added your MPs response you can here:

If  you haven’t got in touch with your MP yet, don’t worry, you can still let your MP know how you feel by following this link:

When you get a reply, you can let other 38 Degrees’ members know by uploading it here: http://www.38degrees.org.uk/nhs-what-your-mp-said and you can also check out  what other MPs are saying.

By letting our MPs know how we feel, and that we are keeping track of what they say, we can keep the pressure on them.

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