Jun 23rd, 2011
Victory! MPs vote to ban circus cruelty
By JohnnyChatterton

Photograph by Robin Ducker
We won! A few minutes ago MPs voted to ban the use of wild animals in circuses from July next year.
The BBC is reporting: “MPs defy ministers and back ban on wild circus animals“. This doesn’t mean the ban is law, but the BBC reports that this “will increase pressure on the government to act.”
This is a huge victory for people power! Congratulations to everyone who helped make this happen, including the following:
- Tens of thousands of 38 Degrees members who emailed and called their MPs urging them to vote the right way
- Mark Pritchard MP – who (along with Jim Firzpatrick and Bob Russell) made sure there was a debate today
- Animal Defenders International
- Born Free Foundation
- Captive Animals Protection Society
- Care For The Wild International
Update: here’s some tweets celebrating the win:
“#circusban vote in: MPs have voted overwhelmingly in favour of a ban on wild animals in circuses!” – Animal Defenders International (ADI)
“A huge thank you to all those who contacted their MPs! This vote will force the government to rethink its position on a #circusban” – RSPCA