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Sep 14th, 2011

Forest panel: hand-in on Friday

By Travis.K

On Friday, we’re meeting with the government’s forests panel, to tell them our priorities for protecting our forests. Here’s the email:Deer in an English forest

The government’s forests panel have asked 38 Degrees members for a meeting this Friday to find out our priorities for protecting Britain’s forests in the future.

Because we can’t fit all 500,000+ people who’ve campaigned to save our forests around the table, 38 Degrees members have spent the last few weeks attending get-togethers and sharing our ideas for the future of our forests. [1]

Using the same technology that helps analyse regular member surveys, we’ve worked out our three top demands from 38 Degrees members to the forests panel:

1. Keeping our forests in public ownership

2. Protecting the incredible variety of animals and plants that live in our forests

3. Making sure as many people as possible are able to enjoy our forests, including those who don’t have access to a car, or use a wheelchair, as well as those who want to ride horses or bikes

If you’re on board with these priorities, click to show your support by signing our new petition now – and we’ll present it to the panel on Friday:


This panel could come under pressure from government. They could end up recommending wise ways of protecting forests for the future, or they could end up legitimising another stab at a sell-off in a few years’ time.

Because 38 Degrees members worked together in record numbers to stop the sell-off of England’s forests in the first place, we already have their attention – and so far engagement has been constructive. When the panel put out the call for submissions from the public, nearly 35,000 of us responded. [2]

Our submissions made such an impact that they rang the 38 Degrees office to arrange a meeting to discuss our views in more depth. The question now is, will this panel ultimately give the government a back door for privatisation? Or will they hold firm to the bedrock principles we should never abandon at any price?

Help tip the balance in favour of honest, sensible recommendations for the future of our forests: add your name to the petition now:


Just a few months ago, politicians were shocked to discover that protecting forests wasn’t just the hobby of a few people, but something lots of us cared passionately about, and were prepared to fight for in large numbers. [3] We proved that when 537,490 of us signed the Save Our Forests petition. [4]

Now we’re going to meet the forests panel in Bedgebury National Pinetum and Forest in Kent this Friday to hand over all our suggestions – and to ensure our top priorities can’t be missed.

Public ownership. Protecting wildlife and plant diversity. Accessibility for all. Add your name to back these priorities now and let’s deliver a united message piled high with signatures – that we expect them to stand tall with the people, and insist we protect England’s woodlands for future generations:


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