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Jun 12th, 2012

Government consultation on gay marriage

By spyro.l

Picture by Ara Lucia Ashburne (Flickr)

In two days the government’s consultation about gay marriage ends. It’s a huge chance to make sure that gay and lesbian people are allowed to marry the person they love.

But religious hardliners and anti-gay groups are desperate to stop that. They’re trying to flood the government with messages against equal marriage. There’s a big danger the government could decide to bin the idea if they think there’s too much opposition.

That’s why it’s important that we speak up in support of gay marriage. Together, thousands of us can send a quick message saying why we think all people should be given equal rights to marry. We can boost the numbers on the consultation and convince the government to stand strong.

It only takes two minutes and the consultation ends on Thursday, so please message them now.

If the anti-gay campaigners are allowed to overwhelm the consultation, it will make it easier for them to say the public don’t support the plans. The government might decide it’s not worth the hassle. We can show them that huge numbers of us do support gay marriage.

History tells us that when it comes to ending discrimination, people power has an important role to play. Slavery would never have been abolished, and women would never have got the vote, if thousands of people hadn’t spoken up for what was right.

Ending the ban on gay people getting married would be a step towards a fairer society. So let’s boost the numbers for marriage equality before Thursday.

Imagine the effect on the government of newspaper articles saying “90% against gay marriage”. Together we can stop that happening – get your friends, family and colleagues involved too.

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