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Apr 15th, 2013

Climate: 24 hrs ’til Crucial EU vote

By [email protected]

Tomorrow, Tuesday 16/04, European MPs (MEPs) will make a decision that could be critical in the fight against climate change. They’ll be deciding on the future of an important tool, called the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), that the EU introduced to try and stop industry putting lots of carbon into the atmosphere.

The ETS is crucial to reducing carbon emissions across Europe. The ETS limits the emissions of carbon intensive industries through what’s known as ‘cap and trade’: high-polluting businesses in Europe trade the right to put carbon into the atmosphere. Cleaner businesses benefit because they don’t have to spend as much on carbon ‘allowances’ – so they make more profit.

As the cap shrinks, carbon emissions reduce – fighting climate change and encouraging green growth in the process. But the financial crash sent the price of carbon into a tailspin, and recently the ETS hasn’t been working properly.

Tomorrow, MEPs have a vital decision to make. They could make changes to ensure this system for tackling pollution doesn’t break down completely. Or they could do nothing, and we could lose an essential tool in the struggle to stop dangerous climate change.

We need to move fast. MEPs are being lobbied hard by carbon-hungry European companies who want to keep the price of polluting low. It takes 2 minutes to email your regional MEPs. Click here to send them an email now.

The crucial vote is next week, and it’s going to be close. It’s hard to know which way MEPs will vote. David Cameron wants them to support the move, but rogue Conservative MEPs are seeking to scupper the scheme by voting against it. They’re planning to go against government policy, and against the best interests of Britain and the planet.

MEPs often aren’t used to their voters taking an interest in what they do. So if lots of us get in touch and tell them to do the right thing, we stand a good chance of convincing them to vote the right way tomorrow.

It’s time we made ourselves heard in Brussels. If you’d like to email your MEPs, click here.

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