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Sep 4th, 2013

Gagging Law: Posters

By Robin Priestley

Tell the government why the gagging law is important to you.

If you’re going to meet your MP about the gagging law, then why not print out a poster beforehand and fill it in with the issue most important to you?  Take a picture of yourself with it before the meeting, then hand it in to your MP.

Why not print out a few more posters to pop in your window or share with friends and other people who are coming to meet your MP?

Share your picture on social media:

  • Download and print out your own gagging law poster by clicking on the image below.
  • Fill it out with the issue most important to you
  • Take a photo and tweet it or share it on facebook
  • Remember to use the hashtag #gagginglaw
  • Email the 38 Degrees office a copy of your photo to emailtheteam@38degrees.org.uk

You can download your poster by clicking on the image below

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