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Sep 4th, 2013

Gagging Law – Visit your MP

By Robin Priestley

The government’s rushing through a new law which, if it passes, would have a chilling effect on British democracy and our right to speak up on issues that matter to us.

From May 2014, draconian new rules would prevent non-politicians from speaking up on the big issues of the day. A huge range of campaign groups and charities – everyone from The Royal British Legion, to Oxfam, to the RSPB – are warning about the threat this poses.

It’s very important that MPs not only hear from us via email, but also face to face, about why this gagging law needs urgent changes.

If you’re interested in setting up a meeting with your MP, please register your interest here.  The 38 Degrees office team will then give you a call back.

The 38 Degrees office team are here to help you set up a meeting with your MP, to talk through any questions you might have and to invite other members along to the meeting so that you are not facing them alone.

The first thing to remember when you go to visit your MP is that you don’t have to be an expert in every aspect of the law.  Your MPs job is to represent you in parliament, so your opinion should be very important to them.

That said it’s worth taking a little bit of time to familiarise yourself with the bill so that you are clear what you want to say in advance.

Visit our gagging law website to see:

  • Information on contacting your MP.
  • Briefings on the law and tips on what to talk to them about.
  • Documents from experts to read and give to your MP.

 You can see a map of events that are organised here.

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