Urgent: Appeal Campaign Title here about 10 words here

Mar 27th, 2014

Taking a break

By 38 Degrees team

I wanted to let all 38 Degrees members know that you’re not likely to hear from me for the next three months. I’ve decided to take some time off – I’m worn out and I need a rest! I’ve been working flat out pretty much continuously since I started to work full-time on the project to launch 38 Degrees back in January 2009. I’ve loved every minute of it, but it’s left me a bit exhausted.

I realised I was in need of a rest towards the end of last year, during the gagging law campaign. But that obviously wasn’t the right time – it was all hands on deck. Now that’s calmed down a bit,  it  feels like a sensible time to take a break and recharge my batteries.

38 Degrees is going from strength to strength – recent campaign efforts like the win on care.data have convinced me of that, as has the determination and commitment of 38 Degrees members up and down the country in the face of setbacks like the gagging law. 38 Degrees’ campaigns directors, Blanche and Maddy, have both now been with the organisation for nearly a year and I trust them fully to take the reins in my absence. The rest of the staff team are all brilliant. And in any case, all the most important decisions are taken by the members.

I’m basically going on an extended holiday. I’m starting by visiting Costa Rica for a few weeks, to see if the New Economics Foundation is right in putting it at the top of their “Happy Planet Index”. Later I’m planning to walk the “GR 20”, a long distance hike across Corsica. In between I will probably spend some time at home in London, digging my garden and reading some books.

I need a rest, but I also know I’m seriously going to miss being part of the 38 Degrees staff team every day. I’m already looking forward to returning to 38 Degrees in the summer with loads of energy to put into campaigns.

In the meantime, if you’ve got any suggestions for books I should read or places I should visit, please let me know in the comments field below!

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