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Mar 28th, 2014

eBay: killing our bees AGAIN

By [email protected]

Update: statement from eBay!

An open letter to 38 Degrees supporters:

eBay is a marketplace, not a retailer.  We rely on our sellers and our community to help us, as well as our own monitoring system.  We are still improving our system to catch listings for this issue, and it will get better over the coming days as we make changes, but no system is perfect.  We will immediately take action against items reported to us though.

It is our experience that sellers want to comply with the regulations, but often don’t know them so from next week we will educate sellers about the rules too.

Thank you for your passion in helping to keep eBay free of items of concern.

So it looks like eBay are moving in the right direction – but three of the links below are still up on eBay.co.uk, and on Wednesday, eBay said something similar… but 48 hours later hadn’t taken every illegal listing down.

They’ve also said that they “have a team making manual checks over the weekend.”

These are positive steps, for sure. But is it as far as we want eBay to go? Please comment below!


Unbelievable – two days after eBay listened to 38 Degrees members and said they’d stopped selling illegal bee-killer pesticides, they’re back up on the site.

You can see the statements that eBay made on Wednesday here.

It’s a classic move: wait ’til the fuss has died down, then quietly get back to business as usual.

Click here to email eBay directly and tell them to:
1. stop selling the illegal pesticides!
2. fix their broken ‘we don’t sell illegal things’ policy

The staff at the charity Buglife are picking through eBay’s marketplace with a fine-tooth comb right now, and we’ll keep updating the list of the banned pesticides that are still up for sale. You can sign the Buglife-Campaigns by You petition to eBay here: https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/get-ebay-to-remove-toxic-illegal-chemicals-from-their-website

And here are the illegal listings. –UPDATE: some of these listings have now been taken down by eBay, and some are still live and up on the site. Watch this space as eBay respond to 12,112 emails from 38 Degrees (and counting!)–

If you have an eBay account, you can also report them individually to eBay.

Listings with the banned chemical imidacloprid:




(from a UK seller) http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bayer-Provado-Ulimate-Bug-Killer-400Ml-/151252553018?pt=UK_Home_Garden_Garden_Plants_Weed_Pest_Control_CV&hash=item23375acd3a


(from a UK seller) http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Aerosol-Strong-Bug-Killer-Bayer-Garden-Provado-Ultimate-Bug-Killer-400ml-/161206343835?pt=UK_Pet_Supplies_Reptiles_Spiders_Insects&hash=item2588a5989b








Listings with the banned chemical thiamothoxam:

(from a UK seller) http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/200ML-RESOLVA-BUG-KILLER-CONCENTRATE-PLANT-POT-CONTAINER-INSECT-KILLER-/271418088283?pt=UK_Home_Garden_Garden_Plants_Weed_Pest_Control_CV&hash=item3f31c75b5b



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