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Aug 27th, 2014

Puppy and kitten farming: Tell your MP to attend the debate

By Rebecca Falcon

Next week MPs could take a stand against the cruel conditions many puppies and kittens are sold in. There’s a debate happening in parliament that could be an important step on the road to banning the sale of young pets, that are mass-produced in puppy and kitten farms.

Farmed pets are often taken from their mothers too early – so they look smaller and cuter when they’re sold. They can be transported long distances, before being sold by newspaper ads, websites or private dealers. These tiny puppies and kittens can suffer trauma or injury in the process.

But unless MPs know their voters care about the welfare of young pets, they might not turn up to the debate next Thursday – or decide to crack down on this unregulated trade. You can ask your MP to attend the debate here.

Buying a new pet should be a great experience for the pet and the owner. But puppy and kitten farming puts profits over the welfare of young animals. Together, we can urge MPs to crack down on puppy farming, by changing the law so that a pet’s mother must be present when it’s sold – as proof that it hasn’t been mass-produced in a farm.

The debate next week will cover all aspects of the sale of puppies and kittens – from puppy farming, to selling animals online and importing dogs. Right now, MPs are thinking about what to put in their election manifestos on animal welfare. Thousands of 38 Degrees members are getting in touch together to show MPs that stopping the cruel sale of pets from puppy and kitten farms should be a priority.

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