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Oct 1st, 2014

Front page news!

By becky

Together over 90,000 members of 38 Degrees have signed the petition calling on Westminster to honour its promise of giving more powers to Scotland.  And now The Daily Record has it splashed across its front page

The petition could smash past 100,000 signatures today. And the bigger it is – the more powerful it is. Can you add your name now?





A promise was made to the Scottish people and we expect this promise to be delivered in full. And incredibly, bitter rivals Nicola Sturgeon, the SNP deputy leader, Johann Lamont, the Scottish Labour leader, and even Gordon Brown have all backed the petition.

The more united we are – the stronger we are. Let’s get the petition to 100,000 signatures today – and ride the momentum of being on the front pages to bring about real change:



In a few week’s time Westminster will debate the next steps. The petition is only the start of what we’ll need to do together to get them to honour their “vow”. But it’s a step towards ensuring we get them to keep to their promises.



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