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Oct 2nd, 2014

A real recall law: Event at Liberal Democrat conference

By Rebecca Falcon

Here are the details of the 38 Degrees event on a Real Recall law at Liberal Democrat Party Conference:

Real Recall: a better democracy
Tuesday 7th October
20:00 – 21:00
Alsh 2, The SECC, Glasgow

The panel includes Mark Pack, co-editor of Liberal Democrat Newswire, Andy Silvester of the TaxPayers’ Alliance, and Dr Evan Harris, former MP for Oxford West. Laura Townshend from the 38 Degrees office team will also be speaking.


The expenses scandal, big money lobbying, cash for questions. MPs should work for voters, but it’s clear that many don’t. It’s time that voters got the power to sack bad MPs in between elections.

The 38 Degrees people-powered recall law will do just that – and MPs will soon be voting on it. But first, we need to get them onside. On Tuesday at the Liberal Democrat party conference the office team are hosting an event to get MPs – and the people who want to be our MPs – on board.

Liberal Democrats are hesitant about giving voters these powers. But to get elected, MPs need to show they’re listening to their voters – not the ‘party machine’. So let’s use people-power to fill the room. Can you send your MP an emailing asking them along now – and to see where they stand?

We’ve only got a couple of days until the event, please click here to ask your MP or candidate to go along now – and to see where they stand.

MPs and candidates say they want to build trust in politicians. If that’s true, they need to give us the power to hold any bad-apple MP to account. A ‘recall’ law is within our grasp. But getting as much support as possible from within Lib Dem ranks is vital. Their votes and the pressure they can bring could be what wins this.

The line-up of speakers at the event is full of people that Liberal Democrats will listen to. Mark Pack, co-editor of Liberal Democrat Newswire, is on the panel, so’s Dr Evan Harris, a former Lib Dem MP for and Andy Silvester from the TaxPayer’s Alliance.

38 Degrees members have persuaded Liberal Democrats to act against the government before. Thousands of us asked our MPs to scrap the Hospital Closure Clause. A crucial handful of Lib Dem MPs stuck their necks out – and tipped the balance! Together, let’s do the same again.

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