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Dec 3rd, 2014

London: Want to find out more about TTIP?

By India Thorogood

TTIP is the trade deal that could allow big American companies to bid on our NHS. This shady pact could also give corporations the power to sue our government in secret courts.

Want to know more? There’s a great opportunity to do that on Thursday 11 December. It’s an event hosted by lots of different campaign groups, where you can hear all about the deal and – most importantly – how we could stop it. Click here to RSVP.

Here are the details:

When: Thursday 11 December
Where: Toynbee Hall, 28 Commercial Street, London, E1 6LS

The meeting’s designed to inform more people about the deal, so don’t worry if you don’t know anything about TTIP. In fact, that’s even better. There’ll be loads of opportunities to ask questions, and there’ll even be a theatre performance explaining the deal.

Please click here to RSVP to the event here, so the local group knows how many people to expect. The page is outside of the 38 Degrees website, but it’ll allow the organisers to keep track of how many people are attending.

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