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Jan 8th, 2015

Stephen Dorrell Petition hand in

By Ali Torabi

On 17th December 2014, 38 Degrees went to Downing Street to hand in the Stephen Dorrell petition, signed by a whopping 167,000 of us. In it, a clear message: stop Dorrell’s conflict of interest.

Here’s a pic of the petition being delivered to Cameron along with a new jacket for Stephen Dorrell to wear in Parliament until he quits one of his jobs:

Stephen Dorrell - Downing Street Hand In 2.JPG

Together, 38 Degrees members asked David Cameron to force Dorrell to choose between representing the people who voted him into Parliament and KPMG’s six-figure salary. The PM can sack him from the party if he refuses to leave. But at the moment Dorrelll is happy to carry on as a part-time MP for this final five months.

Our massive petition made the last few weeks very embarrassing for Stephen Dorrell. And it also reminded MPs that 38 Degrees members are ready to pull out all the stops to challenge politicians who try to bend the rules.

The ball’s now in Cameron’s court.

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