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Mar 25th, 2015

Hove shouts loud and proud: We love the NHS

By Sarah Holtam

High streets of Hove

38 Degrees members took to the high streets of Hove on Saturday for their second action on the NHS. The sun shone (hooray) as they collected hundreds more signatures for the petition calling on all candidates to protect the NHS after 7th May.

The NHS saved my life. I had a life threatening situation, saw my doctor and the very same day was in an operating theatre. We have the best health care system in the world, why would we want to commercialise that?!” Pat

I feel desperately uncertain about the future of the NHS. We do not want a USA health care system here: people die. This really is putting people’s lives on the line.” Helen

Next up in Hove we’ll be watching the leaders debates on the tellie in The Sussex Pub (tbc) on the seafront. We’d love people to join us from across the city – details and RSVP here.

Hove stands up for the NHS

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