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Jul 3rd, 2015

Bees decision about to be made

By Nat Whalley

News just in: government experts have just advised environment minister Liz Truss to keep the ban on bee-killing pesticides. [1] It’s a huge step forward, but it’s now down to Liz to make the final decision.

So the race is on. It’s unusual for the government to ignore the experts, but the toxic pesticide companies will now be throwing everything into swinging her decision. They have money – but we have people power (over 425,000 of us!) and together we can persuade Liz Truss to do the right thing.

We don’t have long, the decision is about to be made – can you send a quick tweet to Liz Truss to make sure she rejects bee-killing pesticides?

The petition to keep the ban on bee-killing pesticides has an incredible 425,000 signatures. And thousands of 38 Degrees members have emailed MPs and environment ministers persuading them to stand up for our bees. [2]

Here’s why 38 Degrees member Pauline is campaigning to protect the bees:
“A world without bees is a world without humans. Bees are far too important to be killed by neonicotinoids in the interests of business and short-sightedness.”

The decision is about to be made by Liz Truss and the other government ministers. Please can you tweet environment minister Liz Truss and ask her to protect the bees?


[1] Farmers Guardian: NFU Neonicotinoid Emergency Use Application Rejected:
[2] Read about 38 Degrees members campaigning to save our bees here:
You can read more about some of our friends’ campaigns to protect our bees here:
Bug life: Saving the small things that run the planet:
Friends of the Earth: The Bee Cause:


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