Oct 20th, 2015
Tax Credits – our pressure is working
By Megan Bentall
Wow. Last night, 20,000 38 Degrees members sent emails to their Conservative MPs – just before they all faced George Osborne for a late-night crisis meeting about cuts to tax credits. Here’s what happened →
That tweet was sent by a senior journalist at the Telegraph. It proves that our pressure is working.
But it can’t stop here – MPs will be voting on tax credit cuts at lunchtime today. From emails, to calls, to tweets our MPs are really feeling the heat today. And some Conservatives are already wavering. Boris Johnson has already spoken out – and behind the scenes others are rumoured to fear the cuts go too far. So public pressure, from us could tip the balance and get more Conservative MPs to speak out.
Slashing tax credits like this is unfair, unjust and unpopular. It’ll punish people who work hard, but still don’t have enough to cover the essentials.
Just last week, a Conservative voter, Michelle Dorrell, wept on live television as she spoke to energy minister Amber Rudd MP:
“You’re about to cut tax credits after promising you wouIdn’t. I work bloody hard for my money to provide from my children. And you’re going to take it away from me and them … Shame on you!” [4]
The vote’s likely to be early on Tuesday afternoon. Click here to email your MP and add to the pressure!