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Dec 14th, 2015

Weekly Member Survey Results – 12th December

By Rachel Oliver

As members of 38 Degrees, each one of us helps decide the issues we work on together to make change happen. Knowing what all of us care about is vital.

On Monday morning, the office team sit down with the results of this survey to help decide what’s on the table for the week. Here are the results (click on the image for a larger version):


We work best when we decide what to do together. People power shapes what we do together every day, and every week we ask you to decide what we should do next.

Since 38 Degrees started over six years ago we’ve grown together into a powerful movement. There are millions of us across the UK. Part of our strength is our ability to work on more than one issue at a time.

P.S. Read below for the full questions asked in the poll.

Protect the NHS from privatisation, increase its funding and fight local hospital closures
Crackdown on tax dodging
Fight against welfare cuts that affect the poorest and most vulnerable
Protect the Freedom of Information Act to stop the government from covering up what they’re doing
Stop TTIP – the dangerous trade deal which could let corporations sue the government
Campaign to protect our bees – vital to life on Earth – from habitat destruction and bee-killing pesticides
Campaign to clamp down on British weapons being sold to dodgy regimes
Campaign against cuts to local council budgets – Our libraries, social services, museums and children’s centres are too important
Campaign to stop David Cameron’s plans to rip-up secure housing for council house tenants 
Campaign to stop MPs blocking important legislation from being voted on using a practice known as filibustering
Campaign against universal credit – the government plan to merge tax credits, job seekers allowance and housing benefit which would mean millions losing cash they needed to live.
Campaign to stop the government ripping the heart out of the BBC, forcing it to axe local radio stations and much-loved TV shows
Campaign to stop Trident – the nuclear deterrent – being replaced
Campaign to make sure the HMRC investigates allegations that Sports Direct are breaking the law by paying their staff less than the minimum wage
Campaign to get the government to reveal which two MPs are currently being investigated by the police for abusing expenses


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