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Jan 14th, 2016

Victory! Women’s political achievements won’t be cut from A-level politics!

By Megan Bentall

Amazing news! Following a campaign by tens of thousands of 38 Degrees members, the government has backed down on plans to scrap women’s history from A-Level politics.

Lauren and Ellen started their campaign because they thought movements like the Suffragettes and feminism should be celebrated, not airbrushed from history. Our children should have the opportunity to learn about the great political achievements of both men and women.

Over 40,000 38 Degrees members signed Lauren and Ellen’s petition, then we emailed Nicky Morgan in our thousands to personally tell her why we think women’s achievements matter. Together, we convinced her to drop these terrible plans.

Lauren and Ellen are regular 38 Degrees members. Before now they’d signed petitions and shared a few campaigns online. But when they found out that the government was planning on cutting women out of A-level politics classes they decided to kick-start their own campaign.

You can too. Is there something you want changed? Something in the news that makes you sit up and think ‘that’s not fair’? You can start a petition here.

Here’s what Ellen and Lauren say:

“Lauren and I are thrilled that women’s role in politics will get the recognition it deserves in the new A-level – though we need more women on the curriculum across the board. The support that we have received for this petition is overwhelming. It gives me great hope to see so many people taking a stand for equal rights and I have no doubt that 38 Degrees members will keep on pushing for gender equality in every aspect of society.”

With Campaigns by You anyone can start their own campaign with the click of a button.

But that’s just the beginning. Once you share the petition with your friends and colleagues, it can quickly snowball. A small petition can blossom into a fully fledged campaign. Like Lauren and Ellen, you could end up winning a campaign you really care about.

38 Degrees Women in A-level politics hand in

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