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Mar 18th, 2016

George Osborne: Don’t Cut Personal Independence Payment

By bex

George Osborne wants to take money away from people living with disabilities.

The support he’s slashing, known as the Personal Independence Payment, is used by disabled people to help them live an independent life – for aids to help with things like washing and dressing. In other words, money needed to live with dignity.

Conservative MPs are panicking. Some are already saying publicly that they don’t support taking this money away. George Osborne is looking isolated, and one thing 38 Degrees members can do right now is show the public are against his cruel plans too.

We need to move fast. If thousands of us get behind a huge petition today, we can force George Osborne to do the right thing and keep this crucial support for disabled people.

Please will you add your name now?

The UK is better than this – better than taking money away from people who need it most. Taking away help to do the most basic things and live an independent life.

38 Degrees members believe in fairness, and when our government is hurting people who most need support we won’t stand by. Last Autumn, George Osborne tried to cut tax credits. This would have made many struggling families worse off. But 38 Degrees members mounted a massive campaign to stop him. And, together, we helped stopped that cut. 

People power can stop this cruel cut too.The more of us who rally in defence of people with disabilities, the more toxic we can make this for George Osborne, and the faster we can force him to back down.

So let’s get this petition going straight away. If you agree that George Osborne’s cuts are just plain cruel, add your name to the petition demanding he scraps them now

This isn’t just a small cut to people’s budgets – it means people with disabilities and their families losing around £70 a week. It means losing the lifeline. Conservative MP Andrew Percy says these cuts hit “exactly the wrong people.” He’s right! Add your name to the petition now.

If you or a loved one are likely to be affected by these cuts, there is support available.
Disability Rights UK have a useful factsheet on PIP: http://www.disabilityrightsuk.org/personal-independence-payment-pip
Carers UK can provide help and advice: http://www.carersuk.org/help-and-advice
The Citizens Advice Bureau can offer information on various benefits and where other financial help may be available: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/

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