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Apr 28th, 2016

Bzz…did you hear? Our bees are in danger

By 38 Degrees team

Breaking news: our bees are in danger. Powerful pesticide lobbyists are trying to get banned bee-killing pesticides back on UK fields.

They’ve asked the government to lift the ban for certain crops planted this year. Liz Truss, the environment minister, will make the final decision in the next few weeks. So she needs to hear from hundreds of thousands of us right now that we expect her to stand up for Britain’s bees.


Please can you sign the petition demanding that she keeps bee-killing pesticides off UK fields? It’ll only take a few minutes – you can sign here.

The pesticides, called neonicotinoids, are banned across Europe because they’re responsible for killing our bees. [3] But Liz Truss could ignore the ban and allow toxic pesticides onto British fields for crops planted this summer.

She ignored the ban last year. Hundreds of thousands of 38 Degrees members put up a good fight – but we lost because the government gagged their own experts, then made the final decision behind closed doors.

But while we were on the backfoot last year, this year we’re ahead. Already 160,000 of us have already signed the petition. We’ve been contacting our MPs and planning an event in parliament. Together we’re ready for this moment.

Our bees don’t have a voice, but 38 Degrees members do. Please sign the petition here.


NB: This petition is one of many people-powered ways to protect our bees this summer. More than 30,000 of us are planting bee-friendly flower seeds. Over the next few weeks thousands of us will be emailing, tweeting, calling and meeting our MPs – to make sure every one of them knows they need to stand up for our bees.


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