Jun 16th, 2016
In or Out: TTIP
By Becca McCarthy
What’s the deal with TTIP and the EU Referendum? Truth is, it’s complicated. A team of independent fact-checkers has looked at every possible scenario – and they simply can’t say for certain what voting ‘In’ or ‘Out’ will mean for TTIP. It’s not a headline-grabbing answer, but it’s the right one.
Together, we can make sure that as many people as possible have the facts before they vote. Please can you help share the facts about TTIP and the EU with everyone you know? Just click the image below to watch the 60 second video, then share it with your friends and family:
Here’s a detailed breakdown of what we do know:
If TTIP passes, and we stay in the EU, the UK will be subject to TTIP
The UK Parliament can block TTIP if it wanted – and other EU countries can kill the deal too
But if we stay in the EU, and TTIP passes, the agreement and any changes in EU legislation that result from it will apply to the UK.
If we left the EU, we will not be subject to TTIP. But the government may try to make a trade deal with the US covering similar ground.
Leaving the EU doesn’t necessarily mean the UK would be unaffected by TTIP. This depends on the type of deal the UK negotiates. If we left the single market TTIP would have minimal impact. If we joined the European Economic Area and stayed in the single market, any change in EU regulations because of TTIP would affect the UK.
If we leave, the UK may decide to negotiate its own deal with America because it’s an important market. But both the US President and his Trade Representative have cast doubt on whether a deal with the UK would be an immediate priority in the short term. This will depend on the US administration at the time we left the EU.
Right now it’s impossible to be certain about the end result of TTIP, as the text still hasn’t been released. The negotiators want to agree TTIP in before a new president takes office in the USA, but no fixed date has been set.
It can feel frustrating not to have a definite answer one way or the other. But there’s one thing worse than frustration – and that’s political point-scoring ruining any chance of a proper, grown-up debate on such an important decision.
38 Degrees members decided together to cut through the spin on the EU Referendum. If each of us shares the reality about TTIP and the EU with everyone we know, we can make sure as many people as possible head to the polling station armed with the facts.