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Jul 13th, 2016

Our people powered Brexit plan

By Kathryn Stribley

Today, Theresa May is our new Prime Minister and over the next few weeks she’ll be deciding her biggest priorities, like what to do on Brexit. So now is 38 Degrees members’ chance to shape what comes next. 

Theresa May will be keen to prove she’s in touch with the people. 38 Degrees members can be the ones championing the values that huge numbers of people care about, like our NHS. If thousands of 38 Degrees members come up with a people-powered plan for Brexit, Theresa May will have to listen. 

So, here’s how 38 Degrees members will do it:  

Step 1: Defining the agenda.

Already over 100,000 members of 38 Degrees have  participated in a poll, identifying the key issues we care about, like the NHS and the economy. It’s clear that we want to make sure that Brexit decisions made by politicians put people first – including protecting our most vulnerable if the economy goes downhill. 

Step 2. Diving in deeper.

Then we’ll pull in policy experts and put on focus groups to find out what millions of people think. Together we’ll ensure we have our finger on the pulse of what people across the UK care about, what’s possible and how to get there. And, we’ll commission a headline grabbing opinion poll to make sure politicians like Theresa May know what we’re up to. 

Step 3. The final say.

All of this information will be distilled into a draft ‘manifesto’. Then thousands of 38 Degrees members will get the chance to pick apart the draft and put it back together with their own thoughts and ideas – they’ll have the final say. This could happen in local group meetings, answering questions about the manifesto, or joining in with online discussions

Step 4. Be seen, be heard, be everywhere.

Once the manifesto has been signed off by 38 Degrees members, this is where we’ll  shape a better future for the UK. We’ll call on Theresa May and MPs to endorse the people’s Brexit manifesto; before politicians have time to lock in backroom deals of their own. We’ll be asking you for creative ways to get our message across. Think big, because this is where we’ll splash our demands everywhere and hold politicians to account.

So that’s the plan. We can all have a part to play in shaping our future. 

If you have any questions about the plan or would like to share your thoughts, you can email us on emailtheteam@38degrees.org.uk or comment below.

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