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Nov 15th, 2016

The NHS and the Autumn Statement

By 38 Degrees team

Right now the Chancellor, Philip Hammond, is deciding whether the NHS should get the money it needs. In the past week fews, MPs have been lining up down in Westminster to knock on his door, all demanding money for different things. But what’s been missing is the voices of the public, telling them where we want our money to go.

That’s why hundreds of thousands of those of us involved with 38 Degrees have gotten behind a huge petition, to prove to the Chancellor that the NHS is our priority.

The money the Chancellor decides to give, or not to give, this winter will affect our NHS services all across the UK – including Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The truth is, it doesn’t matter where you live in the UK, we all need a hospital or a doctor nearby. If your child has an asthma attack in the middle of the night, or someone in your family goes into labour early, getting the care you need, when you need, makes all the difference.

That’s why over the past few months, millions of us have helped to expose the extent of the crisis in our NHS – by signing petitions, chipping in for research and telling our MPs. Because the NHS has been there for all of us at some point in our lives. Bringing our children into the world, treating us when we’re sick and much more.

Right now our health service doesn’t have the funding it needs and this our chance to seize the opportunity of the Autumn Statement, and make sure the Chancellor gives the NHS the money it needs to give world-class care across the UK.

Even Jeremy Hunt, the Health Secretary, told the BBC over the weekend that the NHS needs more funding. He’s joined the voices of doctors, nurses, experts. But what’s often missing are the voices of people like us. This could be our chance to get the NHS some more funding – be a part of it.

You can add your name to the petition right here:

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