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Nov 23rd, 2016

Christmas cards

By charlotte

This year the 38 Degrees office team are trying something new. We have designed limited edition cards that really capture the magic of Christmas – for just £4 for a pack of 10. You can order your cards in minutes via the link below, and they’ll be delivered straight to your doorstep. Giving you one less thing to worry about this Christmas. 

The cards are limited edition, once they’re gone, that’s it! Click here to buy the christmas cards via a secure website:  link.38degrees.org.uk/38degreeschristmascards

38 Degrees Christmas Cards

Every purchase makes a real difference. 38 Degrees is funded by thousands of small donations from each of us and these Christmas cards are no exception. All funds raised from the sale of these cards will go towards 38 Degrees campaigning work in 2017.


P.S. Protecting the environment is important, so these Christmas cards have been printed on recycled card, using vegetable ink – and are 100% recyclable. Profit from the cards will help us win campaigns on issues that matter to all of us. Order now and they’ll be with you in lots of time before Christmas!


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