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Dec 2nd, 2016

Save the Art Gallery at Edinburgh Royal Botanic Gardens

By Nicole G

Edinburgh’s historic art gallery in the Botanic Gardens has been closed in a bid to cut costs. Joyce, from Edinburgh, who loves the gallery, thinks it’s a huge mistake. So she’s started a petition asking the gardens’ management to think again.

Over 9,000 people have already joined the campaign, the government are involved and the gardens’ management have started to back down, suggesting that the gallery won’t be closed forever. If enough of us join together now while they’re under pressure we could get them to back track completely.

Will you add your name to the petition to reopen the gallery? Yours could be the signature that tips the balance:

Sign the petition

The gallery is right in the middle of the gardens making it a unique exhibition space – it’s shown work from thousands of artists over the course of more than fifty years, including Matisse and Picasso.

Here’s what petition starter Joyce McMillan, who works as an art critic says:

“I found the gallery by accident, hidden in amongst the beautiful gardens, and it changed my life. The sense of loss at its closure will be felt by tens of thousands of people, in Edinburgh and far beyond, who – because of the gallery’s unique location – may have had their first-ever experience of modern art in it’s beautiful rooms.”

Please join Joyce’s campaign today.

We’ve won campaigns like this before, and we can do it again. When RBS tried to sneakily take a publicly owned multi-million pound sculpture in Wolverhampton for themselves, 38 Degrees members forced them to return it for everyone to enjoy.

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