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Dec 8th, 2016

Cotton Buds: Another Update

By Nicole G

They’re falling like dominoes. Boots, Morrisons, Superdrug and Lidl said they’ll switch to paper cotton buds after thousands of us flooded their Facebook walls with comments.

Our pressure forced Wilkinson to respond too – but they only said they’d look into the problem. If we want to stop plastic sticks littering our beaches and killing animals, we need them to nail down a date and promise to ditch the plastic by 2018.

There’s one website the bosses of the big shops read every day. It’s called “The Grocer” – it’s their industry bible. If enough of us sign an open letter thanking the shops that have switched we can advertise it all over the website. It’d show up Wilkinsons in front of their competitors – and could be the final push they need.

Can you add your name to the open letter now with just one click? Here’s what the letter will say:


Dear Tesco, Aldi, Sainsbury’s, Asda, Boots, Morrisons, Lidl, Superdrug,

Thanks for deciding to switch to paper cotton buds by 2018. Together we’re turning the tide on plastic pollution.

We hope the other retailers follow suit.

Yours sincerely,

Thousands of happy customers


Sign the letter

The Grocer might not be a website you’ve ever looked at. But the people in charge at the big shops check it every day.

Imagine when the bosses at Wilkinsons go to The Grocer’s website and see our open letter, congratulating their rivals on switching to paper. The powerful message from customers could convince them to go one step further than warm words – and make them commit to switching to paper cotton buds.

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