Jan 5th, 2017
NHS Documentary Projection onto the Houses of Parliament: Fundraiser
By Nicole G
We’re going to project our NHS documentary onto the houses of parliament. Yes – you’ve read that right!
Already, a million people have seen our documentary. But we need 10 million people to see it if we’re truly going to expose how our NHS is hanging on a thread. Imagine walking down Tower bridge on a cold January night to see a huge projection on Big Ben. Imagine the news stories it could stir up, and the millions of people who would see it and tell their friends.
But we’ll only pull it off if each of us helps. It’s expensive to get a huge projection sorted. There’s the planning, the legal stuff, not to mention the equipment for a big video!
Will you give a few pounds to help project our documentary?
Thousands of us voted on how to get our NHS documentary seen by millions more people. This idea came first. Not only is it one of the most visited London landmarks – but it’s also where politicians are. They’ll hear about it too – even more impact.
2016 was a tough year for our NHS, and will be even tougher this year. This documentary shows what the cuts to the NHS mean to the patients at the heart of the service – people like our children, our parents and our grandparents. We’re going to make our voices impossible to ignore – so that 2017 is the year we get the NHS the funding it needs.
This is what 38 Degrees is all about. One person alone may not be able to pull off projecting a documentary onto parliament, but if thousands of us come together, anything is possible. It starts with you. If thousands of us donate, we’ll have enough money to pay for the equipment and planning to spring into action whenever we’re got the chance to project it. It could be tomorrow – it could be next week! We need to be prepared.
Our NHS has always been there for us when we need it the most. Let’s work together again to protect it.