Jan 10th, 2017
Put Everyone on the Organ Donor Register Unless They Opt-out
By Nicole G
Every single day, someone in the UK dies waiting for an organ transplant. But polls show that almost everyone would be happy to be on the donor register, lots of us just haven’t got round to it.
The Scottish Government have just launched a consultation about how organ donation works up here. One option on the table is to put everyone on the register automatically, with the choice to opt-out if they want to. It’d save lives. But if the Scottish Government don’t hear from us they might end up doing nothing.
A massive petition submitted before the deadline will leave the Scottish Government in no doubt: we don’t want any more deaths because people haven’t got round to registering.
Can you add your name to the petition now? It takes less than 30 seconds:
Choosing to be an organ donor is a really personal choice – and under an opt-out system there would be lots of chances for people to say they don’t want to be on the register. But it would mean the thousands of people who just haven’t got round to it are registered automatically – and save the lives of people in desperate need of a transplant.
It can be done. The Welsh Government changed to an opt-out system a few years ago – and it’s already saving lives. We can persuade the Scottish Government to follow their lead – but only if enough of us sign the petition and leave them no choice.
PS. If you would like to register to be an organ donor just click the link below. It only takes a minute: www.organdonationscotland.org