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Feb 6th, 2017

Put the Seats Back at Tarbert Bus Stop

By Nicole G

There’s a new petition on the 38 Degrees website, started by someone who lives in Harris, which you might be interested in:


Campaign created by Peter Colledge

Sign the petition

To: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

What: It’s very simple. Re-install the seating in the bus stop.

Why is this important: Distances in Harris, unlike Barra, are huge. It is very important, therefore, that people can wait for a bus in some comfort. At this very moment the Western Isles are being buffeted by high winds. Having to travel any distance is uncomfortable, but Stornoway is a long way away from Tarbert.

From the West Highland Free Press

“Council slammed for removing seats from Tarbert shelter. Elderly residents in Harris have complained over a situation in which they are having to wait for long period for a bus connection to Stornoway – and without proper waiting facilities.”

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