Mar 16th, 2017
Save Ealing Shopmobility
By Rachel Whalley
Ealing Shopmobility – a shop which offers free wheelchair and scooter rental to disabled and elderly people – could be forced to close due to a lack of funding. Hundreds of people could end-up without the help they need to get around town. So Lynnette, who volunteers at the shop has set-up a petition asking the Council to fund the service.
Ealing Council have already said that they support the work of Shopmobility. But have so far failed to put their money where their mouth is. A huge petition would show them that Ealing residents want this service to stay open. It might be enough to get the council to stump up the cash.
If you believe that everybody should be able to visit the doctors, go shopping in town, and use the library independently, please sign Lynnette’s petition. Sign the petition here.
Here’s what petition started Lynette had to say:
“I am disabled myself, and can very much empathise with that viewpoint. I am a keen cook, and without my borrowed scooter could not choose my vegetables and meat as I want to. Getting Christmas presents or birthday presents is much more difficult.”
38 Degrees members have successfully put pressure on councils to fund important projects before. When dangerous junctions in Bath and Somerset needed money to make them safer, a huge petition signed by local residents made sure that the council stepped in. Let’s come together again now so that Ealing Council know this is something they have to act on.
If you want to make sure that being disabled or elderly doesn’t stop anybody going shopping in Ealing, please sign the petition.