Mar 21st, 2017
Tell your MSP how you feel about a 2nd Scottish Referendum
By Rachel Whalley
In a few hours, the Scottish Parliament will debate whether or not Scotland should have a second independence referendum.
But democracy isn’t just about political parties and politicians taking different positions. It’s about all of our voices being heard. And that’s where 38 Degrees members come in.
Now, you may think that a referendum is a good idea or a bad one. But, either way, it’s important that you have your say. While our MSPs are discussing the issue in parliament, it’s vital that they’ve heard from the people who put them there. This is about our future, after all.
Will you take a moment to email your MSPs and tell them what you think about another independence referendum? There’s no agenda. No party line. Just use the link to tell your MSP what you think – whether you’re for, against, undecided or full of questions.
We won’t all agree about what’s the right course for Scotland – because 38 Degrees members come from all walks of life and have all sorts of opinions. That’s fine. In fact, it’s wonderful. It’s what makes 38 Degrees vibrant and inclusive.
But there are some important things that unite us – anyone who’s ever taken part in 38 Degrees wants to make the world fairer, greener and more tolerant.
At 38 Degrees we all make decisions about what we campaign on together so over the next few weeks the 38 Degrees Scottish office team will be asking members about the prospect of a new referendum. And what that means for how we campaign.
At the heart of how we campaign is the belief that democracy works better the more of us get involved. So will you tell your MSP what you think about another independence referendum?