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Mar 24th, 2017

Kids Need Our Ward – Save Ward 15

By Rachel Whalley

The children’s ward at Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley could be about to close as part of an NHS shake-up. That would leave children and their families being forced to get care in Glasgow – no matter how complex or urgent their needs. So Carolann from Paisley, has set up a 38 Degrees petition calling for the ward to stay open.

Shona Robison, the minister for health, has the power to save the children’s ward. And pressure on her is mounting with local MSPs demanding she listen to the public’s concerns. If thousands of us add our voices to Carolann’s campaign, it may be enough to persuade Shona Robinson to keep the children’s ward at RAH open.

If you believe that all children deserve healthcare when and where they need it, please sign Carolann’s petition now. It takes less than a minute:

Sign her petition here.

Here’s what Carolann has to say:

“The children’s ward is a safety net and a centre of excellence. Why close it when many children rely on the high quality service it provides to remain at home with support close at hand when they need it. The care families provide saves the NHS plenty of money”.

Sign her petition here.

38 Degrees are campaigning across the UK to make sure NHS decisions are based on what patients need, not just saving money. Together we’re trying to ensure that local patients get to say what they think is the right decision for each area. In this case Carolann thinks closing the children’s ward in Paisley will lead to children getting worse care.

Last year, when a GP surgery was due to close in Beverley, England, local people came together, and the pressure generated by a huge petition meant that the surgery stayed open. This is the essence of 38 Degrees; one person might not make much difference, but when we come together our voices are impossible to ignore.

Will you add your voice to this campaign and help make sure that children in and around Paisley get the medical care they need? It takes less than one minute:

Sign her petition here.

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