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Mar 30th, 2017

Bring back bottle deposits to stop plastic pollution in our oceans.

By Rachel Whalley

Together we’re making waves. 216,000 people signed the Surfers against Sewage petition to bring back bottle deposits and stop plastic bottle pollution for good. But now it’s time to turn up the heat.

Right now MPs are deciding what to do about reducing plastic pollution in our parks, high-streets, and beaches – and they want to hear from the public. The inquiry is only open for another few days, so we’ve got to make sure our message is heard loud and clear, before it’s too late.

Here’s the plan: if every one of us who signed the petition shares it just once, the petition could double in size overnight. A 400,000 strong petition would be powerful evidence that the public backs bottle deposits and the government won’t be able to ignore us.

The window to have our say is closing. Will you share the petition on Facebook now, before it’s too late?

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Plastic pollution is a huge problem, and a bottle exchange might feel like a small step. But from the 5p plastic bag charge, to persuading supermarkets to switch to paper cotton buds, these little changes are adding up. It means we’re turning the tide on plastic litter and pollution.

If you want to see less plastic clogging up landfill and filling our seas let’s make sure that as many of us as possible sign the petition and tell the government to bring back bottle deposits:

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