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Mar 30th, 2017

Have your say on the NHS

By Rachel Whalley

The government isn’t funding our NHS properly, so today NHS bosses announced Plan B: less treatment. They want to limit prescriptions for things like blood pressure drugs and some painkillers.  

These plans have been drawn up by NHS bosses. Unless patients – that’s us – have our say on changes to our NHS, it could be changed forever in a way that’s not good for us. On our own, it would be hard for any of us to have our voices heard – but that’s why at 38 Degrees we work together. If thousands and thousands of us have our say on the plans today, we’ll be able to tell politicians and NHS bosses what patients think.

So will you have your say? Please take a short survey about what you think is important for the NHS. Here’s the first question:

Do you believe the NHS should be free at the point of use, like visiting a doctor or hospital?

Yes                                  No

What the NHS needs most is more funding. Together hundreds of thousands of us are working hard to get the government to give our NHS the money it desperately needs. But not all change is bad – and some of these plans could be a good thing – as long as they happen for the right reason.

What changes would you make to what treatments are available on the NHS? Do you think the NHS should scrap prescriptions for suncream and drugs to treat thyroid conditions? Do you think families with less money should still be able to get these treatments free? Some people say these changes don’t affect that many people – but others say those affected are people that need the most help.

As 38 Degrees members we’ll always stand up for our NHS. It’s urgent that when NHS bosses are planning to change what treatments are available that we have our voices heard. So, please will take a quick survey now about how you feel about changing our access to care? Here’s that first question again:

Do you believe the NHS should be free at the point of use?

Yes                                  No


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