Sep 27th, 2017
Bottle Deposits Survey
By 38 Degrees team
Plastic bottles are littering our high streets, parks and beaches. They don’t rot, so they end up clogging up landfill sites and the sea. But we could change that.
270,000 of us have already signed the petition for one simple solution: to bring back a bottle deposit scheme. Now, it’s decision time: on Friday, a group of MPs will decide whether to do it – and they want to hear what the public thinks first.
Let’s tell MPs exactly why plastic pollution & litter needs to be a thing of the past. If thousands of us share why we want to bring back bottle deposits, they won’t be able to ignore us.
Plastic pollution is a huge problem, and a deposit scheme may seem like a small step, but it could mean up to 96% of plastic bottles would be returned for recycling. We have already seen that with the 5p plastic bag charge, and the successful 38 Degrees campaign to get supermarkets to switch to paper cotton buds, small changes do add up.
It’s incredible how much we’ve done already. Thousands of 38 Degrees members have already signed the Surfers Against Sewage petition, we’ve handed in the petition to MPs in Downing Street, and the Environment Minister Michael Gove MP is backing the scheme.The consultation in 48 hours is our final push to stop plastic bottles littering our beaches and streets for good. So we need to keep up the pressure.
The MPs deciding the future of plastic in the UK will be hearing from lots of businesses including some who are very against the idea. What’s missing is the public’s thoughts. A huge survey – telling MPs exactly why the government needs to take plastic pollution seriously – could convince them to bring back bottle deposits.