Sep 29th, 2017
Fracking – contact your MSP
By Becca McCarthy
The Scottish Government are about to make a huge decision on fracking. We could be just weeks away from getting fracking banned for good. Or, if their decision goes the wrong way, Scotland’s beautiful landscape and pure water could be put at risk by this dirty form of energy.
This week, government ministers will be working out which way to jump. They’ll have heard a lot from the fracking lobby. So let’s make sure they’re hearing from us too. If we can persuade enough of our MSPs to speak up and pile on the pressure, the Scottish Government will know they have to get rid of fracking and safeguard our health, environment and countryside.
Please will you write to your MSPs and tell them you want fracking banned for good? It only takes a couple of minutes, and there’s a suggestion of what to say:
Contact your MSP here: https://speakout.38degrees.org.uk/campaigns/2724
There are so many reasons fracking is not worth the risk. Taking more gas and oil out of the ground means there’s more gas and oil to burn – and that causes climate change. Research funded by 38 Degrees members found fracking could risk our whisky industry, Scottish tourism and people’s health.
It could be bad for our countryside too, putting local wildlife at risk. And when they tested fracking in Lancashire it may have caused earthquakes!
That’s why 38 Degrees members in Scotland have stood up against fracking. Here’s some of what, together, we’ve done over the past few years:
- More than 70,000 of us have signed petitions calling on the Scottish Government to stop fracking
- We’ve all chipped in to fund research that’s splashed the dangers of fracking all across the media
- Thousands of us have already contacted our MSPs, spread the word on social media, and spoken up about this dirty form of energy.
But now we could be on the verge of ending fracking in Scotland for good. We just need to make sure MSPs know that’s what the public want. So will you take just a wee minute to contact your MSPs and tell them?
Contact your MSP here: https://speakout.38degrees.org.uk/campaigns/2724