Nov 6th, 2017
Christmas Cards!
By Becca McCarthy
It’s getting cold outside, the shops are braving the first Christmas songs and the mince pies have appeared on the shelves. That means one thing – it’s time to stock up on Christmas cards!
And this year, you can get them straight from 38 Degrees. The designs are unique to 38 Degrees so you can spread festive cheer, and support the work of 38 Degrees at the same time. The cards are just £4 for a pack of 10, or £7.50 for a pack of 20.
The cards are limited edition, so once they’re gone that’s it! Order yours now by clicking the button below – and support 38 Degrees this Christmas:
Stocking up on 38 Degrees Christmas cards now means you’ll have one less thing on your to-do list! But you’ll also be supporting 38 Degrees, so we can move fast to win campaigns like protecting our NHS and saving our bees. Every penny raised from the sale of these cards goes straight to campaigning to take on the biggest challenges of 2018.
PS: We know how important the environment is to 38 Degrees-ers, so these cards are 100% recyclable, and printed on recycled card. If you order now, they’ll be with you in plenty of time to send to friends and family!
PPS: In the spirit of Christmas, there’s also an option to make a voluntary £5 donation along with your Christmas cards. It’s fivers and tenners from each of us that keep 38 Degrees going and ensure we can run big, bold and winning campaigns. Order yours here: