Nov 8th, 2017
Bottle Deposits: Survey
By Becca McCarthy
This news says it all. 80% of people in Britain don’t think recycling systems are doing enough to tackle plastic pollution. [1] It’s splashed across headlines, thanks to public polling paid by 38 Degrees members just like you. It proves that the public want something to change so our fragile seas and rivers aren’t littered with destructive plastic.
Right now Environment Secretary Michael Gove is deciding what to do next on plastic pollution. [2] He’s asking the public what they think about a ‘bottle deposit scheme’ – where a small charge is added to the cost of a bottle. It’s proven to increase recycling dramatically, and could help stop one of the main culprits of plastic litter from reaching our seas. [3]
We need to make sure Michael Gove goes ahead with the idea. If thousands of us take the survey about bottle deposits now, he’ll have evidence that the public is behind him so he will have to do it. So, will you take the short survey now? Here’s the first question:
Do you think more should be done to stop plastic pollution?
We’ve seen the difference a small change can make to plastic pollution. Since the plastic bag charge was brought in, there’s been an enormous reduction in single use plastic bags. [4] Most of us don’t think twice about taking a reusable bag shopping now. It goes to show what a difference a small step can make to fixing a huge problem.
Now it’s time we do the same for another major culprit of plastic pollution. 280,000 of us have signed the petition to bring back bottle deposits, and loads of us have chipped in to get public polling to back us up. [5] Now the results are in, we need to make sure Michael Gove hears the message loud and clear.
If thousands of us take the survey on plastic pollution Michael Gove will get the message that our recycling systems aren’t enough. And it could be the push he needs to get behind a bottle deposit scheme.
[1] Nearly 700 38 Degrees members chipped in to fund some YouGov polling of 1,600 British adults about plastic pollution. Here are the headline results:
The survey found that British adults had a good understanding of recyclable products, these included plastic bottles (94%), glass bottles (97%) and aluminium cans (95%) There is huge support (78%) for the reintroduction of the bottle deposit scheme which cuts across demographic groups
For those who supported the scheme, a majority thought the increase should be 10p or below
The survey also found that the public believe that current recycling schemes are not doing enough to stop ocean pollution (80%), and street litter (73%)
You can see the news article here:
The Daily Mail: Consumers demand 20p plastic bottle deposit scheme as 80pc agree current recycling and waste collection systems are not tough enough to curb pollution:
[2] Department for Environment, Food, and Agricultural Affairs:
Call for evidence on voluntary and economic incentives to reduce littering of drinks containers and promote recycling:
[3] This Is Eco: Should the UK Introduce A Bottle Deposit Scheme?:
The Guardian: Dramatic rise in plastic seabed litter around UK:
[4] The Guardian: England’s plastic bag usage drops 85% since 5p charge introduced:
[5] 38 Degrees: Bring back bottle deposits to stop plastic pollution in our oceans.: